With over 100 years invested in the family business there is a proven successful path and way of doing things for the right reasons. From the first Dobbins family farm started in 1905, the goal was to bring the freshest and highest quality fruit to the local community. It was the right decision for local workers, nearby neighbors and businesses that supported the early agricultural economy.

Because Local Matters was true back in the day and continues to be even more relevant in today’s environment. With operations in NY and packing partners in MI, PA, GA, WA and OR, United Apple:
- offers retailers programs to be regionally relevant and supports “buy local” initiatives
- supports local growers and their families in packing the freshest fruit
- brings fresh packed produce to local, regional and national customers
- reduces miles to market by direct distributing to customers
- purchases goods and business services from local supply companies
- reinvests in facilities to strengthen local economies and associated agricultural related businesses